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A market with more customers than all of Canada!

There is a consumer market in the U.S. that is larger in population than our neighbor to the north, Canada the surprise yet still largely being addressed by many brand managers and sales managers looking to increase sales. It is a market larger than Argentina, Colombia, and many others. It has more than a trillion dollars in purchasing power. Plus, any consumer packaged goods company can go after it without having to spend gigantic funds on new infrastructure. There’s no need for new sales offices and new operations offices. Just use the current sales and operations department your company uses.

It is a market of more than 55 plus million consumers. It has more than a trillion dollars in purchasing power. Plus, any consumer packaged goods company can go after it without having to spend gigantic funds on new infrastructure.

The consumer market I am mentioning is the U.S. Hispanic market. Yes, it has 55 plus million people and has $1.3 trillion in purchasing power. Hispanic students in Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, and San Antonio represent more than 50% of the entire K-12 student population, in a few years Hispanics will be the Majority in each of those communities. And the same goes for major cities in California, like Los Angeles. Imagine what will happen to a company’s sales when the population climbs to more than 50% Hispanic in the two most populous states in the U.S. and that company has ignored that consumer segment while the competition has gone after it.

Bottom line Some intelligent brand managers and sales managers have seen the changing demographics and are making sure their brands and companies start actively marketing to the future majority population in key states, the U.S. Hispanic market – a market larger than Canada, Argentina, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Colombia and many other countries.

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